

The Logo represents this Catholic Higher Education & Mentoring Society. At the center of the Logo is the bright and intelligent Economically Weaker Section (EWS) student. The posture of the student indicates the keenness to be successful. The large hand below the student represents the good-hearted donors' support. The top four covers above represent the Institutions that shelter the EWS student. The Cross above provides the grace for the Society's unity & success.


The Vision of the Society is to help all bright and intelligent EWS students to achieve their dreams of being highly educated and qualified persons.


The Mission of the Society is to provide moral and monetary help to the bright and intelligent EWS students to pursue higher studies of their choice and become financially successful professionals.


"Give a Helping Hand"- is the foundation on which the Society is established. To provide guidance, financial support and mentoring service. To provide a protective & supportive network.