Educational Loans For Higher Education

  • The Society will directly provide interest free educational loans below a set value.
  • The Society will facilitate EWS students requiring educational loans for pursuing college education from the bank, without any hassle and at the best possible terms.
  • The Society will stand as the additional financial guarantor for the EWS students, besides those provided by the parents or guardians.
  • The Society will provide suitable loans to meet any additional expenditure, if required, besides those incurred for the chosen studies.
  • The Society will financially assist the students to have the required personal life insurance policy to cover the needs of the bank loan.
  • The Society will assist the students to compile a realistic loan requirement calculation and the bank disbursement schedule, so that there are no stumbling blocks during the student years.
  • The Society will not provide free scholarships for students, but will help them to try and obtain the same from the Governments and other institutions which provide such scholarships.
  • If students so desire, the Society will try and arrange for the students to have parttime jobs to reduce the burden of a bank loan.