
  • The Society will seek to enroll many active members who have the above Vision & Mission of the Society.
  • The Society will gather funds through membership fees and donations and by holding plays, shows, fancy fairs or any other social activities.
  • The Society will initially target a corpus of Rupees One Crore to ensure the needs of as many EWS students as possible.
  • The Society will invest the money so raised in long term fixed deposits with a scheduled bank at the highest possible interest rates.
  • The Society will use such deposits as leverage to act as a guarantor for as many EWS students as possible who require bank loans for higher education.
  • The Society will ensure that the EWS students obtain the bank loans at the best possible terms, repayment schedules and insurance cover.
  • If necessary, the Society may also provide direct loans to the students when requirement is below a set limit.
  • The Society will provide Guidance and Mentoring service to the EWS students so that the Students make the correct choices and carry out their higher studies without hindrance.
  • The Society will co-ordinate closely, both, with the Principal of the School (in which the student has studied) and with the local Community(to which the EWS student belongs), to ensure moral support to the student.
  • The Society will co-ordinate closely with the School authorities, so that as many deserving EWS students as possible can be provided with the required helping hand.
  • The Society will help to produce many professionally qualified persons from their EWS to be top-class Managers, Professionals, Businessmen and Entrepreneurs.