Eligibility Of Students For Society Assistance

  • The student should mainly be from the EWS community.
  • The student should be college-going or wanting to attend college.
  • The student should have obtained at least a first class (60%) in the finals of the school examination or subsequent college examination.
  • The students should have the recommendation of the local Community where they live the Parish Council of the Church to which they belong, or Principal of the school where they have studied.
  • The student should be pursuing college or post-graduate studies.
  • An EWS student is defined as coming from a family whose total assets are below Rs. 20 lakhs of whose parent’s annual income is not greater than Rs. 4 lakhs.
  • The student should undergo a guidance session with counselors
  • appointed by the Society before deciding on the course of study.
  • The student must agree to be guided by the Mentor provided by the Society until the education undertaken is completed and the loans are repaid.

Documents Required From Students

  • Application to the Society for the required loan (as per format) Proof of Residence - copy of Ration Card / Electricity Bill / Telephone Bill Copy of the Aadhaar identification certificate (if available)
  • Copy of School passing out certificate.
  • Copy of Baptism certificate (for Catholics only)
  • Recommendation Certificate from small local community (as per format)
  • RecommendationCertificate from Parish Council (as per format). In case of non-Catholics Recommendation letter from school principal.
  • Letter from Parents (as per format)
  • Letter of offer of Admission from the College or institution Syllabus of the course being taken.

Career Guidance

The Society has set up a guidance cell to help the bright students to decide on the type of profession they want to take up, the courses they want to pursue in the colleges and the colleges they want to attend. The cell will help the students to compute the total cost of such college education and the time frame to be a full fledged professional in the chosen field.

The cell will help the students to go through the process of making the necessary applications for the required educational loan from the bank and obtain the same in time. The cell will help the students understand how the Society will stand as a guarantor for the students against the loan they have taken from the bank. The Students will be advised of the mentoring service provided by the Society during the duration of the college education to overcome any problems encountered by them while at college.

If the college time permits and the students so desire, the Society will try and help the Students to take up part-time jobs to reduce the burden of loans they have to take to pursue higher education.


For those students who have taken the help of the Society to obtain bank loans, the Society has set up a Mentoring unit to provide them with the necessary help and guidance during the period of studies in college.

The Society will do its best through the Mentors to ensure the students receive the necessary professional guidance. The Society will endeavour to provide Mentors of the same professions the students are aiming to follow, so that they receive specialised mentoring support. The Society will do its best to see that the students will continue to be first-class students.

The Society will try and help the students to apply for Government and private educational Scholarships and obtain the same.


The Society plans to set up a cell to provide the required network to help the students who have completed their higher education with loans, to obtain suitable and well paying jobs.

The Society will work closely with other institutions and businesses to provide the new graduates with means so that they can quickly repay their bank educational loans from their own income.

The Society believes that higher education and employability are co-related, but it would be unfair to expect a deserving and bright under privileged students to achieve high professional standards without being supported by a network that provides financial and mentoring support which the Society aims to provide.