• Helping Students

    from underprivileged families

    chase their dreams

  • Empowering them today

    so that they can shape

    a better future

  • Transforming

    the next generation

    through mentorship & guidance

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Our Mission

The Mission of the Society is to provide moral and monetary help to the bright and intelligent but financially weak students to pursue higher studies of their choice and become financially successful professionals.


Every rupee of any donation is used for the welfare of financially weak students. All administrative tasks are carried out by volunteers. Our alumni students pledge to contribute back and support future students.

Beneficiary Students

We select bright students who want study further but whose family incomes are unable to support a higher education. The students merits are verified by our comittee & guidance is provided before deciding the course of study.

"Give a Helping Hand"

This is the foundation on which the Society is established. To provide guidance, financial support and mentoring service. To provide a protective & supportive network.

Welcome to Catholic Higher Education & Mentoring Society

We are a that Society is Registered with the Charity Commissioner that is dedicated to supporting higher education for talented, deserving yet underprivileged students across India. The society is in operation for more than four year and has successfully helped underprivileged students achieve their dreams. Every rupee of donation received goes towards welfare of such underprivileged students. We also follow a very careful selection process to ensure we are reaching out to the brightest and most deserving students.

One successful highly educated and well earning member of a underprivileged family makes a big difference to the whole family and helps it to get over the poverty line. The wellness of the small community in which such students live also depends on the general education level of its members. In cases when the community in numbers is small it can stand on it's own, if it produces high caliber Entrepreneurs, Business men, Managers, Professionals, Educationists, Government officers, Military personnel, Judges and even Politicians.

For this we need more and more highly educated youth. Investing in our underprivileged students as such will produce considerable benefits to the community. Help us make a difference today by donating what you can or volunteering your time. We are actively seeking out volunteers and contributors who are willing to support our cause.

Thank you!

The Managing Committee
Catholic Higher Education and Mentoring Society

Want to give us a helping hand?

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